Thanks for stopping by. If you are new to my blog welcome and if you are returning from previous projects, thank you for your dedication!
As you can tell from above this isn't my first blog, nor will it be my last.
My first solo project was Wonderland Reviews and I stuck with it for a while and loved it for a while. As a starter blog I think I did pretty good Haha. But like most people I outgrew it and I wanted to branch out. I wanted to include more and it felt like Wonderland wasn't a good fit anymore.
It was a sad realization, a lot like finding out your favorite pair of jeans that make your butt look amazing suddenly is to short or to tight in the waist. But it was time.
I set out on my journey to find my new home and after many failed attempts I finally settled here.
This saying : To The Moon And Back, has a big meaning in my life. It is repeated constantly in this household as our way of saying I love you to, of showing affection. So it was only right that something so near and dear to my heart was where I settled. It is something my daughter is growing up hearing and repeating, it is my husbands favorite. It is something I am not gonna out grow... hopefully >.> haha
So a little bit about me.

Said husband likes to joke that I am an old woman in a young woman's body because I am always under a blanket or shawl, I pen pal and I recently took up crocheting and quilting.
Anything to stay busy, haha.
I am a stay at home mom and until kindergarten starts, I am a stay at home preschool teacher to the kiddo.
I love writing and it is my dream to have a published piece of work that helps people escape their day to day life and get them through their troubles, a lot like my favorite books did.
I am an avid reader, If I am breathing I am reading.
Thank you for taking the time to drop by.
Got any tips or questions feel free to drop me a line at the address below.
Just wanting a chat that's ok to!
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