Rating System

5 Stars- Excellent!-This book was hard to put down and one I will highly recommend.

4 Stars- Very Good!
-This book was very enjoyable. It is well worth the price.

3 Stars- Good!
-This book fell in the neutral category. The writing and the story were good but there were some aspects that could be improved.

2 Stars!- Fair
-This book failed to capture my attention but they tried.

1 star!- Just no.
- Most likely a Did Not Finish. Will attempt later if the mood strikes. This is not a book I will recommend until a better rating is achieved.

*Despite the rating of the book I will always try and find something positive about it, be it the cover or the names. I do not think that there is never anything good to be said.
I would also like to add a reminder that just because a book isn't a good fit for me doesn't mean it isn't a good fit for you.
Thank you :) *

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