Title: Carry Me Home
Author: Jessica Therrien
Author's Page: HERE
This galley was generously provided for by NetGalley in exchange for an honest Review

They run to their grandparents’ place, a trailer park mobile home in the barrio of San Jose. Lucy’s barrio friends have changed since her last visit. They’ve joined a gang called VC. They teach her to fight, to shank, to beat a person unconscious and play with guns. When things get too heavy, and lives are at stake, the three girls head for LA seeking a better life.
But trouble always follows Lucy. She befriends the wrong people, members of another gang, and every bad choice she makes drags the family into her dangerous world.
Told from three points of view, the story follows Lucy down the rabbit hole, along with her mother and sister as they sacrifice dreams and happiness, friendships and futures. Love is waiting for all of them in LA, but pursuing a life without Lucy could mean losing her forever.
Ultimately it’s their bond with each other that holds them together, in a true test of love, loss and survival..
When I was in high school...or middle school, I forget which one, I came across a book by Omar Tyree called Flyy Girl. It was a favorite of mine growing up and to this day I still pull off the shelf or pull up on my reader, this book, ' Carry Me Home', Reminded me a lot of this book.
Carry Me Home is a book that gives you a glimpse into the gritty world of what can happen when you don't keep a close eye on your children. It is so easy to become lost when you are a teenager, especially when your parents suddenly split and you are thrust into a new environment.
Lucy (Guera) finds herself in situation after situation that pushes her down a dark path. She finds herself being initiated into a gang as she seeks acceptance and a false sense of belonging and familiarity.
I will warn that this book has a possibility for triggers. There are some graphic scene's that include rape, drugs and violence.
This book goes back and forth between the three women in the family. The Mother, Ruth and Lucy.
The author hints at the mothers gambling addiction and it starts off with the fathers drinking problems, and towards the end explains that it contributes to Lucy's addiction issues.
Growing up I wasn't as squeaky clean as most kids my age was. My parents were divorced, my mom worked a lot and a lot of responsibility was on my shoulders the same way they were Ruth's. I think that is why I enjoy these books, because of how relatable they are and a reminder that things can always go from bad to worse.
4 Stars!
Notable Quotable's:
-" Here is the rooth of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher then soul can hope or mind can hide and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart..." - E.E. Cummings
- " It'll always be the three of us, underneath it all, the tight knot of roots baring the weight of our tree." - (99%)
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